Sunday, October 9, 2011


Hold on and beliveinAllah's love,
That's the best you can have,
Please never weep again,
And in your heart,
Let His love remain.

Life..a simple word with 4 alphabet. But when we try to define it, the simple word become so broaden. A simple question, " What's the meaning of life?"..could be the answer is.."Life is what you decide how to create it..".maybe another answer for it's.."Life when someone still can breath,sharing and make something for the future.."..

Is there the best answer? Erm, just ask you self "what's the meaning of life?". start thinking about it, because when you forgotten the meaning of life you should ask back to your self " what the purpose for life?"..then you will get the answer for the first question. Manusia itu pelupa maka selalulah kita ingat akn diri kita dan orang sekeliling.

Life is full of answers waiting to be discovered. As long kita jalani hidup ni dengan skema Allah.InsyaAllah.