What the diference between this 2?..Ermmmmm?!! after dh terlentang n tergolek duk fikir pasal word dua alah tu..finally, google uncle help me out..such as kindness uncle ever and ever.!.melompat riang seperti aku adlh Juara..hahaha!
Missing = something not able to found
Loss = deprivation from failure to keep
An example that I can give here is, when u fell that something missing then u will go and find it. In life sometimes we fell something missing right? and sometimes u fell want to find it, at the same time u just don't know what are u looking for..
Loss is something that u get or have it but u can't protect or defend it or maybe u will loos it. An example, today u get an adorable happiness ever but tomorrow did u still get the adorable happiness again?..
That it's what we call nature of life..nothing was belong to us but everthing is belong to Him. For those yg rase this situation skrng.better lempang muka kuat2 then say to ur self.."Bangun lah! dlm surat cinta Dia dh ckp terang2 yg dgn mengingati Allah hati akn menjadi tenan
g.." see and see..atau orng kampong ckp..tengok, den koba dah (loghat N9)..
Qalb, liver , hati the very special one in ur body seketul daging.. protect it with ur iman and fight with those noughty nafsu with mujahaddah and itiqomah..semoga kita semua thabat..insyaAllah..wallahu alam..
p/s: rindu pd sahabiah utk sme2 mujahadah...semoga kita sentiasa dlm lindungan, hidayah dan kasihNya..:)
1 comment:
i really like every single ur word..the way ur wrote.sampai kat liver..!huuu
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