Assalammualaikum...time is running out! Argh!!!!!...rase mcm tgh buat larian marathon je! InsyaAllah, next week the war is begin.Huh!!..tetibe rasa muke kelam tanpa kata. Serius! I'm feel nervous for waiting, what question will come out for Osce and teory papers. Sometimes, people stdying because their have an exam. And that things are totally wrong OK!. We should stady because to gain our knowledge and the main purpose of it's Lillahi Taala (kerana Allah). When, we try our best to do something and the rest let Allah to take care of it. InsyaAllah, event the situation is difficult but it'll past smoothly.
medical is complicated
surgical make me nervous
community feel more better
health sciene don't take it for grated
my blog i will back after the war
Robbi Yasir Wala Tu Assir Ya Karim..
akak!goodluck jugak.kita sama sama fighting.InsyaAllah akak boleh :D
man jada wa jada..:)
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