Tuesday, October 25, 2011

the best shoot!

Assalammualaikum...time is running out! Argh!!!!!...rase mcm tgh buat larian marathon je! InsyaAllah, next week the war is begin.Huh!!..tetibe rasa muke kelam tanpa kata. Serius! I'm feel nervous for waiting, what question will come out for Osce and teory papers. Sometimes, people stdying because their have an exam. And that things are totally wrong OK!. We should stady because to gain our knowledge and the main purpose of it's Lillahi Taala (kerana Allah). When, we try our best to do something and the rest let Allah to take care of it. InsyaAllah, event the situation is difficult but it'll past smoothly.

medical is complicated
surgical make me nervous
community feel more better
health sciene don't take it for grated
my blog i will back after the war

Robbi Yasir Wala Tu Assir Ya Karim..

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

take it and make it

The most biggest anticipation we should face it, is the most biggest love from Allah. Alhamdulillah, semoga tabah dalam menghadapinya dengan kesabaran yang akan mengukuhkan tiang keimanan.

"Boleh jadi kamu membenci sesuatu, padahal ia amat baik bagimu, dan boleh jadi pula kamu menyukai sesuatu, padahal ia amat buruk bagimu, Allah mengetahui sedang kamu tidakmengetahui.."                              
(Surah Al-Baqarah ;216)

Thursday, October 13, 2011

worth paper

Rse mcm dua hari lepas baru berpenat lelah jwb exm mid, tak ske ade 2 weeks lg bfre exm final.huhu..Kenapa lah die wat exm final di saat tgh cuti yang banyak ni. Walaupun sy tak boleh balik utk cuti Depavali tp sy nak BALIK cuti raya haji ni. Serius rase nak cabot balik umah je.huk..huk..2 weeks lg bfre final and 2 weeks jugak nak kena pulun hbiskan community. Hope semuanya berjalan lancar. Robi yasir wa la tu asir ya karim.amin. 

Kepada perasaan yang malas dan rindu tahap tahengat tu, sila pergi jauh ok, cz sy nak stdy and sy nak exm. ada faham! kalau tara faham kasi faham ok..

Sunday, October 9, 2011


Hold on and beliveinAllah's love,
That's the best you can have,
Please never weep again,
And in your heart,
Let His love remain.

Life..a simple word with 4 alphabet. But when we try to define it, the simple word become so broaden. A simple question, " What's the meaning of life?"..could be the answer is.."Life is what you decide how to create it..".maybe another answer for it's.."Life when someone still can breath,sharing and make something for the future.."..

Is there the best answer? Erm, just ask you self "what's the meaning of life?". start thinking about it, because when you forgotten the meaning of life you should ask back to your self " what the purpose for life?"..then you will get the answer for the first question. Manusia itu pelupa maka selalulah kita ingat akn diri kita dan orang sekeliling.

Life is full of answers waiting to be discovered. As long kita jalani hidup ni dengan skema Allah.InsyaAllah.


Fuh!..berhabuk, berdebu..sekali tgk dh mcm gua hutan terbiar..gua kat hutan tu pun kalah kalau nak lawan gua sy ni kan..huhu..

Mane hilang?..Raseye ade tak orng yang nak tnye..hahaha. Actually, tak hilang mana pun. Still kat Ganu lg and tgh nak mengharungi setahun yang mendatang..huk2!..Disebabkan cuti jarang dapat dan sgt susah, makanya bila dh pegang feel cuti, alamat semua benda sy bungkus simpan dalam muzium..

Now! Alhamdulillah, dah pun selamat menghabiskan half sem for this year..exm utk final sem ni pun dh makin dekat. Tp, tgh nak exm ni r byk delimanya..mane taknye, cuti raya haji then exm..Argh!!!!...nmpknye tak dapat lah nak balik raya haji ni..huk2!

Ok, just come back post je ni..hehe. Bajet cool gempak lah siap dengan come back post ni..haha. Sape yang rase mcm menyampah tu sila cari 'x' then tekan OK!..keep ur mouth shut up..Huh!..terasa garang lah pulak..hehehe..Assalammualaikum..:)